Alexei Nechytaylo

Arthur Christmas: Portfolio

On Arthur Christmas, Alexei's experience working with colour and texture lead him to Art Direct a team of digital painters, motion graphic artists and graphic designers. As well as creatively leading the painting process, Alexei's role was to oversee the designs throughout the VFX pipeline.

Main Characters

Arthur: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

Steve: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

Santa: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

GrandSanta: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

Ms Santa: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

Earnie the old Elf: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

Peter the evil Elf: Skin, costume color and costume detail. Digital Painting.

Secondery Characters

Study of Elf skin color texture variations. Digital Painting.

Polar bear color and fur properties. Digital Painting.

Various animals. Digital Painting.

Color Keys

Lighting and color keys. Digital Painting.


Final look of color, texture and lighting painted over a partial render. Digital painting.

Environment color and texture

S1 spaceship: Color and texture. Digital Painting.

Various Buidings: Color and texture. Digital painting

Texture, Color and Shaders Studies

Wet Roofs from Above: Tonal breakdown. Digital Painting and Photo References

Ice Properties: Color and texture study. Digital painting and Photo References.


Santa's Portraits. Digital Painting.

The Old Sleigh: Color and texture. Digital Painting.

Various Props. Digital Painting.

Christmas Memorabilia: color and texture. Digital Painting.

Elf Gadgets

Various Elf Gadgets: Color and texture. Digital Painting.

Motion Graphics

Elf OS. Motion graphics design.

Various Screens and Gouges. Motion Graphics Design.

Various News Networks. Motion Graphics Design.


Website and Web Games: Selected Screens. Graphic and Gamen Design.

Mrketing Guide: Selected Pages. Graphic Design.



Latest Location:

Los Angeles, USA



